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Truth [ trooth ] -  noun, plural truths [troothz, trooths].


1.     the true or actual state of a matter: “He tried to find out the truth”.

2.     conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.




We are a family owned sports performance and fitness center furnished with many of the equipment stations and training elements you may find at other sites. We wouldn’t BS you. The difference is the training and the trainers. I repeat: the difference is the training and the trainers. No matter what you give them, they are going to give you 1005%. We have a group of knowledgeable, hard core trainers who will lead you, guide you and even work out WITH you. They will push, so you must push. This is the truth.



We are not selling anything. We are not professionals at marketing and we are not conmen working on commission. Our area of expertise is sports performance. We change minds, we push bodies and we are some of the best at it.  We could offer a lot of things to get you in the door but that would imply that all we want is to get you in the door. We want more than that; we want results. We want to help you reach your goal and for you to maintain the “mountain top” once you’ve conquered it. Try it free, first. After that, stay or go. Up to you.



No matter what fancy words (exaggerations, lies) we threw at you, nothing is going to work unless you do – not expensive equipment or murals of body builders on the walls. Nothing will work unless you do. There’s no magic pill. There is no other way. This is the truth.

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